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„More joy, less pressure“

Regain self-confidence and balance in the lab 

Online Coaching Program (EN) 


14 Sep – 5 Oct, 2023

Video: How to cope with pressure and self-doubt in the lab without feeling constantly exhausted and overwhelmed.

For whom?

You love your job as scientist. But it’s hard to deal with self-doubt and pressure in the lab while staying healthy and balanced. My online workshop (EN) is for you if one (or more) of the following apply:


  • you feel exhausted and overwhelmed
  • you’re afraid of not being good enough (and that they will find out)
  • you lost joy and thrive at work
  • stress relief tools don’t work beyond the moment (if you even tried them)
  • you feel caught in a vicious circle of own demands and exhaustion
  • it’s hard for you to say no, even if it’s too much for you

What exactly do we do?

In three steps, we identify and re-write the inner programs that keep you running in the hamster wheel of own demands, anxiety, and exhaustion. Compact theory and a lot of practical tools to regain confidence and thrive at work, a healthy work-life balance, and more joy and ease in your life.

You will be part of a small group of people in the same situation (max. 15 people). You support and cheer for each other and benefit from the group dynamic.


Module 1: More joy

At first, you will learn the most important ingredient to draw more joy and positivity into your daily work. If you internalise this deeply, not only your work, but also your personal life will benefit.

Module 2: Less pressure

Why yoga or a walk outside alone won’t free you from the constant pressure you feel. We’ll rewrite the inner program that keeps telling you you’re not good enough. For more self-confidence and less anxiety.

Module 3: Kicking obstacles

There will be obstacles. The biggest one will be – yourself. I’ll show you how to identify your personal hurdles and how to kick them out of your way. Because your balanced, radiant „me“ is meant to last.


Live calls

We meet once per week (every Thursday at 7 PM CEST) in a 1 to 1.5h live zoom call. 

Weekly tasks

With weekly tasks you’ll practice & internalize your take aways. Every week we evaluate your „homework“.


Outside the live calls you’ll get support, exchange, and your questions answered in a closed LinkedIn group. 

Your results after the program

  • You know the key incredient to draw more joy and balance into your work & personal life
  • You have learned how to break the cycle of self-doubt, own demands, and exhaustion
  • You feel more confident, self-aware and positive towards work challenges
  • You experience less pressure, anxiety, and overwhelm
  • You realize your achievements and how good you actually are
  • You have valuable tools at hand to handle situations triggering destructive thought patterns
  • You are not alone in your struggle – you are embedded in a group of people who are facing the same challenges. You benefit from and support each other

What you will get

4-week Online Coaching Program (EN)

14 Sep – 5 Oct, 2023

+ 4 live calls with Anja (zoom) every Thursday at 7:00 PM CEST

+ 1 year access to the recordings of the live calls

+ weekly tasks and evaluation

+ exchange and interaction with people facing the same challenges in closed LinkedIn group

+ accompanying digital workbook

+ compact theory

+ a lot of practical tools and methods

People say about me

Suse S., PhD Student

Now, I’m more aware of negative „waves“ and I can stop them easily. I blame myself less and feel more confident and positive. Anja helped me a lot to understand that it is really fine not to be perfect, to ask for help and to also allow oneself to rest.

Jenny R., PhD Student

I feel seen and understood, and not alone in this struggle, and not crazy for thinking that this stabilised/normal way of feeling in academia is correct. Anja’s energy is so radiant, positive and beautiful, it’s really contagious.

Felix M., PhD Student

Anja’s style of explaining makes it very easy to understand the topics. (…) From every topic I could draw some practical use for my mental well being. May it be the by increasing self-awareness, or by actually exercises.

Gayathri G., PhD Student

These three days have been eye-opening and I feel new confidence in my life and don’t fear to say “it’s all gonna be alright “. (…) I am becoming more resilient than I was before , and I am happy to say I am proud of where I am today, something I hadn’t told myself in a long long long time. (…) I must support my self and become self aware whenever I am in a roller coaster of negatives , but with few pointers from Anja and meditation, I am now prepared to ride the roller coaster and confront it and make it a smooth ride.

Allison L., PhD Student

The most important thing the workshop gave me was seeing that there are other people out there who share my values and I am not alone in science. (…) Before I always viewed taking time for myself as selfish, but now I see that it’s good for everyone in science and I don’t feel so guilty.

Justina S., PhD Student

I really loved the workshop a lot and it is helping me already help myself. I am sure that many scientists and non-scientists are going to profit from Anja‘s coaching.