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I’m excited to have you here!

As certified anti-burnout coach (VfTC) I’m on a mission to help scientists find again what is soo important in science: confidence, balance, and most importantly, the joy of doing research. 

 As International Officer and Science Manager, I have advised scientists at various research institutions (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, TU Dresden, Center for Systems Biology Dresden) for over 15 years. I know the challenges researchers face and have experienced the enormous pressure they are under. And I witnessed the mental health epidemic in academia.

Initiated by my own severe burnout I learned a lot about the psychological programs that can lead to such deep exhaustion. AND how to overcome them. If I had only known this before… I decided to get properly trained to help others avoiding the same burn-out trap. Since then I’ve been helping scientists find a more balanced approach to research. 

I offer regular online workshops on how to gain more balance and self-confidence in the lab, and 1:1 consultations upon request.

Why am I doing this? 

I love working with scientists from all over the world and supporting them in this very important, but also very challenging work.

And I really care about saving you from the burn-out trap. I would like to offer you the short-cut for what I have acquired through therapy, coaching sessions, and my training as coach. With my help you can do it faster.

To your well-being!


You want to make the world a better place with your research? It needs you healthy and balanced!

The next steps

Contact me to find out how I can help you!

Book a free consultation without obligation.

I’m so looking forward to meeting you!